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Book Box Registration

Primary tabs

Program Type:

Book Clubs, Virtual Program

Age Group:

Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Registration is closed because no more seats are available.
Allowed Ages: Over 18 and up

Program Description

Event Details

Broaden your reading horizons and enjoy some fun surprises in every box! 

How to borrow a Book Box:
Choose your Book Box experience from one of two themes. When you get notified that your hold is ready, pick up your box, enjoy the books, and then return your box and books six weeks later. The extra surprises inside are yours to keep!

Feburary Themes:

1. Big Brain Energy
This pick is for readers looking to learn something new or curl up with a hefty book that offers plenty of depth. 

2. Easy, Breezy, Beautiful
Have a case of the winter blues? This is the pick for you: lighthearted fare to make you laugh, swoon, or warm your heart. 

The finer details:

  • You must have a Helen Plum library card to register.
  • One Book Box at a time per library card.
  • This program is limited to adult patrons only.
  • You must return your Book Box to be eligible for the next box.

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