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Book Clubs

Love talking about your recent favorite books? Join one of our book discussion groups!

Please note Adult Book Clubs are open to patrons 18 and over.

Helen Plum Book Club

The Helen Plum Book Club meets once a month for adults to discuss a wide variety of titles spanning both fiction and non-fiction. Join us on the third Wednesday of the month at 1pm or the third Thursday of the month at 7pm for our lively discussions! Helen Plum Book Club is hosted by Adult Program Coordinator Courtney.

Library Lounge

Library Lounge is a friendly book discussion group with a relaxed, literary atmosphere that welcomes adult readers of all ages! The group meets on the first Tuesday of the month at 7:30pm. The titles chosen are a mix of contemporary fiction, classics, and non-fiction. Library Lounge is hosted by Digital Services and Instruction Librarian Erin.

Upcoming Events

This event is in the "Adult" group.

Library Lounge

7:30pm - 8:30pm
Library Branch: Helen Plum Library
Room: Conference Room
Age Group: Adult
Program Type: Book Clubs
Registration Required
Seats Remaining: 15

Recent Book Club Picks