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Request a Meeting Room Reservation

About Meeting Room Reservations

The meeting rooms are available free of charge to Helen Plum Library cardholders, including residents, organizations, and companies within the Library District.

Helen Plum Library welcomes the use of its meeting rooms for civic, cultural, and social activities. Groups may use meeting rooms when the use will not interfere with the primary functions of the Library. Rooms available for public reservation include the Plum Meeting Rooms on the 1st floor and the Conference Room on the 2nd floor.

All reservations require a Helen Plum library card to reserve a room. Business library cards are available to organizations and businesses located within the Library District.

Reservation Capacities and Limits

Conference Room Combined Meeting Room Helen Plum Meeting Room Colonel Plum Meeting Room
Capacity 5-16 People 20-65 People 5-40 People 5-40 People
Reservations Open 1-12 weeks before date requested 2-12 weeks before date requested 2-12 weeks before date requested 2-12 weeks before date requested
Max. Time Limit 3 Hours None None None
Quantity 1 per week 2 per month

Connect With Us

Plum Meeting Rooms:
Jenn Ferguson
(630) 627-0316 ext. 494

Conference Room:
Adult Services
(630) 627-0316 ext. 722

Eligibility Exceptions

The Executive Director may make reservation exceptions in some cases, particularly for non-cardholding organizations who serve our community.

Meeting Rooms

chairs in front of two projector screens and windows with kitchen photo inset

1st Floor

Located directly off of our lobby, this combined space also includes a kitchenette with fridge and sink access. Featuring a ceiling mounted projector, projector screen, and two moveable dry erase boards. For seating, 65 stackable chairs and up to 20 tables are available.

Room Details
Chairs lined up in front of projector screen and window

1st Floor

Host your group meeting in a light-filled space, located directly off of our lobby. Featuring a ceiling mounted projector, projector screen, and moveable dry erase board. For seating, 40 stackable chairs and up to 10 tables are available.

Room Details
Chairs in front of Projector Screen with Kitchen photo inset

1st Floor

Located directly off of our lobby, this light-filled space also includes a kitchenette with fridge and sink access available. Featuring a ceiling mounted projector, projector screen, and moveable dry erase board. For seating, 40 stackable chairs and up to 10 tables are available.

Room Details
12 rolling chairs at board table with green, blue, and white mural on wall behind

2nd Floor

Located near our Teen Corner on the 2nd floor, vaulted ceilings and an abstract mural adorn this gorgeous, light-filled space. Featuring a ceiling mounted projector and projector screen. Along with 6 tables and 12 chairs in a boardroom configuration, along with 4 additional stackable chairs.

Room Details