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Leadership Team

Anne Luzeniecki
Anne Luzeniecki with Beautiful Day

Anne Luzeniecki

Executive Director
Sue Wilsey
Sue Wilsey with Charlotte's Web book

Sue Wilsey

Director-Strategic Communications & Marketing
Tabatha Anderson
Tabatha Anderson with You Matter book

Tabatha Anderson

Youth Services Manager
Michelle Kilty
Michelle Kilty with Bury Your Dead book

Michelle Kilty

Adult Services Manager
Kristie Leslie
Kristie Leslie with Harry Potter book

Kristie Leslie

Marketing Manager
Phil Lucas
Phil Lucas with Little Red Book

Phil Lucas

Facilities and Security Services Manager
Alex Vancina
Alex Vancina with Linux book

Alex Vancina

Technology and Metadata Services Manager


Our staff and leadership abide by a staff-created Culture Code, which outlines ideals that we strive for as an organization.


Our organizational reporting structure can be found in our Organization Chart.


Our Mission and Vision statements guide our work.

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