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C-1 Exhibits

Last Updated:


C-1 Exhibits, Community Board, and Materials for Distribution
Adopted by the Library Board of Trustees, August 20, 2024. Effective September 16, 2024.


The Helen Plum Library makes public exhibit space available in support of the Library’s Vision and Mission. Public exhibits cannot cause disruption of the regular flow of Library work and services.

The use of Library facilities does not imply the Library’s support or endorsement of those individuals or organizations.



The Library accepts and considers proposals for temporary exhibits on an ongoing basis. Requests for exhibits are subject to review and approval by the Executive Director or designee. The Library may decline any exhibit requests and any items from an exhibit.

Exhibit hours are limited to the Library’s regular hours.

At the Library’s discretion, related programs in support of large-scale exhibits may be scheduled.

The Library may reschedule, postpone, or remove an exhibit. The duration of any exhibit may be extended at the discretion of the Library if it does not interfere with Library business or service.


Permitted Use

The Library welcomes art exhibits as well as exhibits that communicate information about civic, cultural, educational, and recreational themes and programs likely to be of interest to the local community. These displays may include but are not limited to such forms as:

  • Visual arts, crafts, paintings, drawings, sculpture, and other media
  • Interactive displays

Set-up and removal are the responsibility of the exhibitor. Hardware and fittings are supplied by the Library.


Prohibited Uses

  • Exhibits that cause disruption to the Library activities
  • Materials that promote or advertise a commercial product or service
  • Materials that promote or oppose political candidates and ideology
  • Materials that threaten violence or intimidation of an individual or group


Exhibit Selection

The exhibitor is asked to complete a Request for Exhibit form, which requires a description of the proposed exhibit and its contents. Variations between the exhibitor’s submitted description of proposed exhibit and the actual exhibit may be grounds for removal of the exhibit.

Occasionally, the Library may issue an invitation to exhibit a specific artist or organization.

Selection criteria include:

  • Relevance to the community
  • Reputation of artist or collection
  • Variety of media and styles
  • Aesthetic and technical quality
  • Condition, size, weight, or fragility of the objects proposed
  • Cost to produce exhibit and the extent of the Library’s liability
  • Other practical considerations


The Library accepts no fees or commissions to exhibit materials at the Library.


Exhibit Sales Onsite

Exhibitors desiring to sell exhibited items must secure permission and make special arrangements with the Library prior to the exhibit’s installation. Prices of exhibit pieces may not be posted. The artist’s contact information may be displayed. The Library does not handle any exhibitor sales transactions. All transactions of this nature are to be handled directly by the exhibitor and the exhibitor’s client.



All exhibitors must sign an Exhibit Waiver and Release From Liability form and follow the Exhibitor Guidelines.

All exhibits are placed at the Library at the risk of the exhibitor. The Library assumes no liability for damage or loss relating to any exhibit set up for public viewing in the Library and will take no extraordinary measures to ensure its safety. Insurance against loss or damage is the responsibility of the exhibitor.

The Library assumes no responsibility for materials, equipment, or any other articles left by the exhibitor in the Library and will not be liable for loss, theft, or damage.

Exhibitors using Library exhibit space assume responsibility for any damage they incur to Library property.


Community Board Guidelines

Posters, flyers, and signs may be displayed on the Community Board in Helen Plum Library’s lobby (The Hub) for patron perusal. Organizations may submit materials for consideration, with topics of local interest and in support of the Library’s Vision and Mission given priority. Display space is limited.

All submissions are reviewed by Library staff prior to being posted on the Community Board. Most postings may remain for up to one month, or as space permits. Such items become the property of the Library and will only be returned upon request.

The Library reserves the right to decline to display or remove any items. Designated staff will regularly check the Community Board and remove unapproved and/or outdated materials. 

The Library will not display:

  • Posters that promote or advertise a commercial product or service
  • Posters that promote or oppose political candidates and ideology
  • Posters that threaten violence or intimidation of an individual or group

Outdoor signage is strictly limited to promotion of activities of the Library, except as needed by the DuPage County Election Commission.


Materials for distribution

Pamphlets, brochures, leaflets, booklets, free magazines, and other materials meant for free distribution to the public, must first be approved by the Executive Director or designee.

Any unapproved materials found in the Library will be discarded.


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