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Reading at Home

Book Club for Kids

Logo for Book Club for Kids

Do you love books and want to talk about them with a group of friends? Are you looking to put together a book club for a group of children or students? We are excited to introduce Book Club for Kids!

We have created helpful guides to include everything you need to host a book club, like discussion questions, activities, and even snack ideas. Choose from one of our selected titles, bring your group together, and have fun discussing what you read.

DIY Storytime

DIY Storytime animated graphic

You provide the comfy reading spot, we’ll send you the rest! With a little imagination and the coziest seat in the house, you can do it yourself. View our DIY Storytime archives for rhymes, stories, and a craft idea to have your very own storytime at home.

Songs, Rhymes, and Bouncy Times

Songs, Rhymes, & Bouncy Times Virtual Storytimes with Helen Plum Library animated graphic

Learn storytime songs and rhymes at home from your favorite librarians! Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube Channel so you don’t miss out.